Flood and Stormwater Engineers

About Allan & Dennis


Who We Are

Representing a combined 25+ years of flood and stormwater industry experience in global, multi-disciplinary consultancy, Allan & Dennis was established to provide enhanced service and value whilst maintaining high level technical expertise and capability.

What We Offer

Specialist civil engineering consulting in the fields of hydrology, hydraulics, water quality, flood management, stormwater infrastructure planning and design.

Why Us

We apply our experience and professionalism to every project, large or small, with a focus on outcomes that maximise amenity, resilience and yield while satisfying risk, safety and drainage constraints.

Our Services


We’ve seen first-hand the damaging results of storms throughout Australia, further emphasising the importance of accurate flood assessment, design, planning, management and mitigation to protect Australian lives, homes, businesses and environment. Allan & Dennis have the capability and experience to cater to all sizes of projects, ranging from single-lot, master-planning, up to catchment wide studies for both public and private clients nationwide. Refer to our main service areas detailed on the tabs on the right, amongst other capabilities we also cater to:

  • Land-use planning;
  • Road alignment time of closure analysis and upgrade optimisation;
  • Bridge and hydraulic structure design;
  • Data collection;
  • GIS analysis;
  • Turn-over assessments;
  • Design and as-constructed certification;
  • Insurance reporting; and
  • Historical storm event validation.

Whether you require due diligence on a potential acquisition, conducting a development application on your current site, or you’re after flood planning, management and mitigation works, contact us to understand your opportunities, constraints and potential solutions.

Flood Studies


In accordance to best-practice methodology, relevant standards, and/or applicable codes and guidelines, we apply innovative, efficient and accurate analysis of catchment rainfall and runoff to quantify the flood risk of interest areas. Critical flood information, such as peak levels, depths, velocities, hazard, rate-of-rise, time of inundation, damage estimates and scour potential can then be extracted and presented via effective mapping and/or GIS packages. Informed land-use planning and effective flood management can then be produced from this information.  Safety, environmental and development optimisation can also proceed, designing cost-effective mitigation and other structural and non-structural flood strategies to produce the best outcomes for the community.

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Flood Impact Assessments


Flood Impact Assessments (FIA) are typically required for Development Applications (DA) with local and/or state governments in order to demonstrate compliance with applicable flood development codes. Allan & Dennis are DA specialists, we:

  • Have a long history with government DA officers and developers alike;
  • Clarify jargon that can persist within development codes;
  • Identify critical design and approval items relevant to the site;
  • Provide pertinent recommendations to ensure a cost-effective and time efficient DA process;
  • Cater our approach to a scope appropriate to the DA requirements
  • Maximise development amenity, resilience and yield while satisfying risk, safety and drainage constraints;
  • Effectively communicate with the design team to optimise integration with other site aspects and provide the best overall product; and
  • Provide concise reporting and clear mapping suitable for DA submission.
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Stormwater Management Plans


Stormwater Management Plans (SMP) are typically required for Development Applications (DA) with local and/or state governments in order to demonstrate compliance with applicable stormwater development codes. These codes generally focus on the required Water Quality Objectives (WQOs) and reduction of stormwater runoff pollutants for both construction and operational phases of the project.  Evidence of compliance is generally achieved through the use of pollutant runoff modelling and the design of treatments devices such as bioretention, swales, wetlands and/or proprietary products. Some SMPs are completed as an afterthought, which can result in poor treatment design, unsightly areas and maintenance liabilities. Allan & Dennis have extensive experience in SMPs, from conceptual and detailed design, to overseeing construction, maintenance and handover.  Hence, we know what treatment devices can be practically designed, economically and readily constructed and maintained long-term. This construction and maintenance involvement has feedback into our stormwater design, which has led to much improved development outcomes, amenity and long-term WQO compliance.

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Flood Management


Flood affected properties may be developed if a suitable Flood Emergency Management Plan (FEMP) and/or risk assessment is conducted.  Allan & Dennis can develop plans including evacuation procedures, time of closure analysis and the warning systems for effective and proactive flood management. We investigate innovative alternatives to address the flood risk of each specific site, such as:

  • Flood Modification – by considering the way in which flood waters propagate through catchments, we design engineering solutions to modify the waterways, such as detention basins, augmentation of existing hydraulic structures, addition of hydraulic control structures, and the redirection of overland flows with levees and channels.
  • Property Modification – we look at the way in which people live within floodplains, recommending options to reduce the social and economic impact of flooding. These options generally include the development controls within floodplain areas that either limit types of development, or make specifications on floor planning levels.
  • Emergency Response – in the interest of public safety, we consider the way flood waters may affect existing roads and infrastructure within a catchment area, and the duration of flood inundation. This allows both the public and emergency organisations to better adapt and respond during flood events.  These options generally include public education and emergency response planning for relevant organisations.
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BE (Civil) RPEQ View CV Rick has a keen eye for detail with a particular focus on efficiently achieving accuracy over precision and continual improvement of our communication, clarity and conciseness.  His ability to quickly identify unusual or erroneous outputs requiring investigation ensures our high standards and Quality Assurance (QA).  He strives to obtain the best development outcome, regularly conducting ‘one more iteration’ on his own time to satisfy his own desire to obtain an optimised design solution for our clients.


BE (Civil) (Hons) MIEAust RPEQ View CV Laurence’s background in the Australian Army Reserve has served him to persistently improve our planning and processes.  These developments ensure we can continually provide highly technical analysis efficiently, reduce our overheads and minimise our fees.  This improvement is also extended to our industry, reflected in his commitment to the Engineers Australia Queensland Water Panel, currently serving as Chair, which aims to ensure best-practice methodology is understood and adopted not only by Allan & Dennis but also in other organisations.

Contact Us

07 3899 8379

2/505 Lytton Road Morningside Q 4170

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